MACABESPEED BinTac T9 Extended Mag
After what probably seemed to people like an eternity the EXTENDED MAGS FOR THE BIN TAC T9 are here!!
They're not for everyone!!!!!!!!!! THEY CANNOT CYCLE 9MM LEAD PELLETS OR SLUGS!!! IT WILL JAM! Do not buy if you don't want to or can't 3d print EASY files to make the ammo! I will help you print the ammo! The ones i use are made on an 81 dollar printer. EVERYONE CAN PRINT AMMO, and the file is free with the mag. I WOULD RATHER LOSE A SALE THAN SOMEONE SAY I DIDNT INFORM THEM OF THIS!
This is an ADVANCED ACCESSORY! Heres the details.
-these extended mags hold 10 plus rounds depending on the state of maintenance your gun is in. These are an adjustable tension mag, to accommodate the differences in everyone's guns. With mine adjusted the way its shown in video, it holds 11 and runs good at that tension. THIS IS A FULLY USER ADJUSTABLE MAG. if you think a diff spring would work better, pop the trapdoor and slap it in. ITS NOT PINNED OR LOCKED SHUT, free men have a right to repair. However, with the printable ammo, supplied spring is correct. IT CANNOT cycle 9mm lead ammo right w this spring. it WILL JAM. Never before has a mag been this open source.
-this will come w a handful of sabots to get you going, and i print mine out of PETG because its CHEAP AND TOUGH. You will print sabots with my file on cheap printers, that cost less than a cent to make each in material. I AM INCLUDING FULL INSTRUCTIONS ON ALL OF THIS!
-Every single mag is designed to work standalone and is personally hand tested into the breech of my gun to insure fitment. I use a carbine kit also avail on my site, but its not required to use this mag. Magwell is a 40$ add on if you don't want the whole kit but DO WANT the magwell.
-If you are STILL READING CONGRATS! Here's why you need this. This mag will never eject like stock does. I won't pop the clear plate like stock mag has. It WILL lock you out w no dry fire when empty. It loads into the left side like it should for right handed people(like me, sorry lefties.) BIGGEST ASSET: you will never run out of ammo for a nine mm big bore again. This file is yours forever. Start a print before you hit the road for work, come home to a hundred rounds and a dinner cooked by your wife. Lemme tell ya, a good meal and AMMO INDEPENDANCE are equally satisfying. The 9mm sabots are PERFECT FOR DEFENDER 2 barrel, which means 356 and cycles in t9 as shown (good af). I bought 2 tins of Crossman 500 count for 15 bucks at wall mart and now with one 13 dollar kilo of PETG material theoretically have 1000 rounds of 9mm airgun ammo. FITS ANYTHING 9mm airgun, and is yours to keep as a file FOREVER. Use em. Sell em. Throw them as confetti. i dont care. My main goal is making sure every person WHO NEEDS AMMO AVAIL for big bores like this can ALWAYS HAVE IT FOR ALMOST FREE.
-I AM HERE FOR YOU GUYS. I can guide your printing, help w tuning. As fate has it, point in time im releasing these is the SAME TIME my wife is having major surgery, pushing forward in our battle w BRCA cancers. Shipping can take up to 3 days for this first batch of 15 we have in stock. Backorder is 100 percent recommended and fulfilled in order received. We will have 1100 mags avail by 9/25 ready to fulfill back order and same day ship.
-for 59 bucks shipped, you get a handful of bright green 9mm sabots that accept any 22 cal pellet, and one T9 stick mag! Add Ons are up to you!